"Besides straightening out the Billing situation in Costpoint,....(The Consultant) led the effort to reduce our uncollected AR by several million dollars." "I think (The Consultant's) greatest strength has been his responsiveness to Line Managers." "(The Consultant) has demonstrated initiative and leadership within the Integrated Product Team (IPT), for Corporate financial reporting." "(The Consultant's) work with the user community and other stakeholders in identifying requirements, process design, policy and procedures, and facilitating reporting requests has been very constructive." "(The Consultant's) insight into the Costpoint accounting system and Cognos reporting tol, has enabled (us) to take a rapid path to building a beneficial reporting capability." "(The Consultant) demonstrated excellent initiative as well as the ability to work with both Senior Managers and all levels of staff." "(The Consultant) was instrumental in identifying corporate reporting requirements and strategies." " (The Consultant) has the ability to successfully accomplish difficult tasks."